HOWTO: install puppet-dashboard on Debian Squeeze

This should apply to Ubuntu Server as well (10.10, 11.04) but it’s tested to work 100% on Debian Squeeze 6.0.
Puppet Dashboard is a neat piece of software really useful if you ara managing a good number of hosts without Puppet.

First of all, install the required deps:

# aptitude install ruby rake dbconfig-common libdbd-mysql-ruby mysql-client rubygems libhttpclient-ruby1.8

you’ll probably have lots of them already installed if you are running Puppet master on the same host (which by the way is not mandatory).
Then, download and install the deb package:

# wget
# dpkg -i puppet-dashboard_1.2.0-1_all.deb

Enable the daemon editing the default file /etc/default/puppet-dashboard and then customize your database definition by editing /etc/puppet-dashboard/database.yml which should looks something like this:

database: puppet_dashboard
username: puppet_dashboard
password: secret_password
encoding: utf8
adapter: mysql

if you plan to use MySQL as a backend. Remember to create the database and grant the appropriate privileges to the user

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON puppet_dashboard.* TO 'puppet_dashboard'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret_password';

Now we have to populate the database, Rails way

# cd /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/
# rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate

Now you can start /etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard and /etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard-workers and you should be already able to access http://your-host.yourdomain.tld:3000 and see the Puppet Dashboard.
You just have to do two thing more before you can see any actual data in it: enable report sending in the Puppet clients and tell Puppet Master to pull those reports to the Dashboard via HTTP.

So, edit /etc/puppet.pupept.conf on the clients (I suggest you to do it via puppet if you do not already have this setting in it) and add

# ... whatever you already have

and on the Master side

# ... whatever you already have
reports = store, http
reporturl = http://your-host.yourdomain.tld:3000/reports/upload

That’s it!

esx-halt: shutdown VMWare ESXi from ssh

Long time no post – again – I hope this is the last time and I can be a little more prolific :) Anyway today I want to share a little script that I hacked to shutdown an ESXi (with the free license) host remotely, shutting down in a safely form all the VMs inside it. This could be quite usefull (and in fact it’s why I wrote it), if you want to shutdown ESXi from an UPS daemon when lights go out, and you cannot afford a complete ESXi license, so you’re running the free edition.
The script can be found here at GitHub

and it’s written in bash (I use bash4 but it should run on lesser versions too). On the server side, it works with VMWare ESXi 4.x.

Any question, patch or bug report are warmly welcome :)

Customize the console prompt in VMWare ESXi 4.0

The default console prompt of VMWare ESXi 4.0 really sucks, it’s black&white, it gives no info about the host you are connected to and if you have more than one host this is becomes quickly an headache.
So, how do you change it? Pretty easy:

echo 'export PS1="\[33[01;32m\]\u@\h\[33[00m\]:\[33[01;34m\]\w\[33[00m\]\$ "' > $HOME/.profile

then exit from the shell (ssh or local) and enter again and you will have a pretty nice colored console prompt :)

EDIT: ok, it seems that I cannot post “backslash zero” with WordPress. so please put before any “33” in this string “backslash zero” (the symbol and the number, not the two words). Thanks to Daniel for pointing this out. If you know a way to solve this, please share it :)

A handful of bash tips – part 1

During last weeks I’ve been doing lot of scripting (a user management system for our internal infrastructure which is formed by lots of services) and it ended being something like 3000 lines of bash code. Not too much but probably this is my greatest experience til now with bash :)

So, I’ve learnt a couple of things with this project and I’d like to share some tips and lessons learnt during the process. I’m not a bash guru, and if you find something could be improved, feel free to leave a comment.

Stand on the giant’s shoulders

You can find lot of docs on bash, like the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide, but these are better in my opinion

and the #bash IRC channel on Just lurking the conversations will teach you lot of things

Use the latest and greatest bash version

This means right now to use Bash4. I mean, if you are using a shell to script things, use the latest version and take advantage of all its features! Really, I don’t care about portability, I script for my systems where I have full control. I’ve upgraded a Debian box from Lenny to Squeeze just to get bash4, go figure :) Obviously if you cannot update easily or you need to be portable, don’t fall in the bashisms trap, try to be as POSIX as possible and discard my tip(s).

Quote everything. I mean, really everything

If you are used to the simple $VARIABLE form, drop it right now and use always “${VARIABLE}”. It’s cleaner, it’s safer, it supports white spaces in the variable content etc.

Only the first quote matters

I’ve seen very often (and I was using this too) escaped quote chars when creating queries or strings to be passed somewhere. For example

QUERY="SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name=\"${VAR}\";"

because you fear that ${VAR} won’t be expanded if single quoted. But what really matters in this case is the first double quote. bash will interpret every other single quote before the closing double quote as a normal char, and pass it to the next hop. So this is perfectly right:

QUERY="SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name='${VAR}';"

${VAR} will be expanded as expected. This is quite useful if calling another script with parameters via ssh, and leave a cleaner syntax (I hate escaping chars)

ssh user@host "/path/to/script 'foobar goes first' 'second parameter'"

Use shift when receiving parameters

Probably you are already doing this, anyway it’s a lesson learnt in these days. If you’re are passing parameters to functions/other scripts instead of

# etc

use the power of shift. If you are going to change your mind about those parameters, you won’t need to rename everything.

shift 1
shift 1
# etc

Use input redirection instead of pipes when possible

A classic example

cat /path/to/mylst|while read foo
# do somtething with foo

should be

while read foo
# do something with foo
done < /path/to/mylist

why? because input redirection it is meant to do that!

Convert pwdLastSet to a human readable date

Here it is a simple (and a bit hacky, I know) one-liner for bash shell (even under Windows if you are using Cygwin) to convert the cryptic pwdLastSet timestamp of Active Directory (which represent when a user has changed the last time his/her AD password)

D=128457325992343750; date -d "01/01/1601 UTC $(let D=D/10000000; echo $D) seconds"

where the very large number after the first D= it’s your pwdLastSet value. This strange timestamp it’s a 1/100 of a nanosecond (so, it’s 1/10^7 seconds) and the ticks are counted from January 1st, 1601. Don’t ask me why, probably they didn’t like the Epoch time :)

Disable directory listing in Apache with Debian

If you find one of your servers with the ugly directory listing enabled, there’s a quick way to disable it in Debian

# echo autoindex | a2dismod
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

For other Apache installations in other distro, you can simple find the Autoindex option in your config file and delete it manually, then restart Apache

EDIT: a cleaner and more elegant way to achieve the same is, as the comments section says

# a2dismod autoindex

thanks :)

HOWTO: Poor man VPN in Debian/Ubuntu with OpenSSH

If you are managing a remote Linux network and you are tired of NATting or two ssh hops to enter a remote server, but OpenVPN poses too much overhead, you can use ssh tunneling to easily create a workstation-to-site VPN.
I’ve tested this with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala as the workstation and Debian 5.0 Lenny as the server, but it should work identically with older Ubuntu and Debian (both server or workstation).

I’ve been inspired by these two tutorials, although both didn’t work 100% for me, but joining pieces did the trick, so here I am :)

Software prerequisites:

  • Standard Debian or Ubuntu
  • openssh-server on the remote side of the VPN
  • openssh-client on the local side of the VPN (your PC)

Network configuration (as an example)

  • Workstation LAN:
  • Server LAN: on eth1
  • VPN:
  • Remote server public address: on eth0

First of all, on the workstation generate a dedicated key (it should be a dedicated one cause the server will identify you’re going to bring up a tunnel based on the key you’re using to connect) with

# ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/VPNkey -b 2048

Now edit /etc/network/interfaces and create a new stanza like this one (remember to change IP addresses – in bold – according to your personal network configuration)

iface tun0 inet static
# from pre-up to true on the same line
pre-up ssh -i /root/.ssh/VPN -S /var/run/ssh-vpn-tunnel-control -M -f -w 0:0 true
pre-up sleep 5
up route add -net netmask gw tun0
post-down ssh -i /root/.ssh/VPN -S /var/run/ssh-vpn-tunnel-control -O exit

Just a copuple of notes: address is your VPN local endpoint address (say, your workstation) while pointopoint is the remote VPNaddress (your server), which are the two tunnel’s endpoints.

Now let’s go to the server.

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_server, add the line
PermitTunnel point-to-point

and restart your sshd instance.
Now edit (or create) /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (remember, we are on the server now, not your workstation) and add a line like

tunnel="0",command="/sbin/ifdown tun0; /sbin/ifup tun0" ssh-rsa HERE IT GOES YOUR FROM YOUR WORKSTATION

now edit /etc/network/interfaces and add this stanza:

iface tun0 inet static
post-up /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
post-up /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
post-down /sbin/iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
post-down /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0

the post-up and post-down commands enable the network sharing between the VPN server endpoint and the remote LAN (it’s called masquerading), so you can access the remote LAN from your workstation and not only the remote server. Obviously you need to instruct your workstation with a dedicated static route to reach the remote LAN network, and this is the route add -net in your workstation config.

Now, bring up the tunnel on the workstation with
# ifup tun0
and you should be able to reach a remote server on your remote LAN, with traffic secured by OpenSSH encryption.

ssh host completion in bash with a predifined user

If you use a lot ssh from your workstation to connect to many servers using the same user (for example, err… root, or a standard user present in every of your servers) as I do, this is a must-have :)

First of all, ensure you have

HashKnownHosts no

in your ssh_config.

Then, edit your .bashrc and append these lines:

complete -r ssh
_cssh ()
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(cat ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts |awk -F ',' '{print $1}')" -- ${cur##root@}))
complete -P "root@" -F _cssh ssh

you can change the root@ with your user@.
