nginx and the too many open files limit

So, nginx is fast, nginx is light, nginx is great but… nginx can be nasty too, with undocumented unexpected behaviors. What happened today? We were putting in production a new reverse proxy based on nginx 1.4.1 and one of the obvious thing you do when putting it in production is to raise the nofile limit from the standard 1024 (at least on Debian). So, you expect that nginx will inherit those pam_limit little numbers but… no!! If you check out /proc/$nginx_worker_PID/limits you will see that nofile is still 1024. So, obviously someone is cheating. Looking at the nginx documentation about nofile you will see that the interesting option worker_rlimit_nofile has no default value, so one would think that this value would be inherited from the system conf but, as you have already figured out, it’s not that way. You have to explicitly set, for example:

worker_rlimit_nofile = 100000;

in your main part of nginx.conf to have it as you wish. BTW this overrides limits.conf even if you put a lower value in limits.conf, so if you’re using nginx >= 1.4 just tune this configuration option to solve the “too many open files” problem.